Once it started ,it became clear to the militant that their demand of 'SWADHIN ASOM' could never become reality . more and more ULFA militants gave their arms. Not even ULFA but other militants organisations like NDFB, KNV,BLT came for talks with the govt. In recent months the Unified Command was successful in busting many militants hideouts. Many mportant Militants were either arrested or were killed in the military operations. Public demonstration against the army operations ans protests condemning fake encounters have become rare phenomena. Contrarily the poeple were seen participating in large numbers in the govt sponsored seminars, conventions and peace rallies directed against the militancy. Intrestingly even the intellectuals, who directly or indirectly supported ULFA and BODO militants initially, openly voice their resentment against the mindless violence resorted to by the militant outfits. The regional press is coming out with numerous articles and editorials criticising the negative effect of militancy. Giving up their old practice of holding indian state and central govt responsible for the backwardness of the region.
With the state getting tougher and public turning against the militants, they are definitely dyning their own death, however , it would be premature to declare the death of insurgency and celebrate the dawn of peace and harmony in assam.
If militancy is only a law and order problem and the militants only misguided youth, what the army and the govt have been doing could be considered sufficient to restore peace in assam. However without an understanding of the material and ideological roots that gave birth to militancy, restoring peace in assam would be an uphill task.